Nonprofits Innovate to Solve Health Challenges and STEM Shortages

Once per year, AstraZeneca opens its corporate contributions application to all US-based nonprofit organizations (NPOs). During this period, NPOs can submit applications for their innovative health and science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs for up to $15,000. These programs must either present a new approach, tool or technology to solve a health challenge, or support K-12 or undergraduate STEM education. Many exciting, innovative health & STEM solutions are presented and ultimately, the programs with the greatest potential for impact are awarded funding.In 2018, we funded 16 programs that are already doing great work within local communities across the US, some of which are detailed below. To see the complete list of programs funded via the 2018 Health & Science Innovation Challenge, please click here.

Source: Nonprofits Innovate to Solve Health Challenges and STEM Shortages