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Latest ESG Report 2024

In 2021, Braze joined the Pledge 1% movement, committing to disburse 1% of our then outstanding equity over a 10-year period starting in 2022 for charitable purposes. Since the funds became available for grantmaking in November 2022, we have disbursed over $1.8M to more than 100 local nonprofits and charities around the world through the Braze for Social Impact Fund at Tides Foundation. This year, we highlight a key grantmaking program that supports communities within Braze and beyond by amplifying employee passions and investing meaningfully in communities where employees live and work.

Braze Cares Partner Program:
Funded by the Braze Social Impact Fund, each Braze office and remote region has the opportunity to come together to direct an unconditional cash grant to a local nonprofit or charitable organization. Separately, Braze organizes quarterly volunteer engagements with these same organizations, in order to form deep, year-round relationships between participating employees and their selected charities. This approach has established the Braze Cares Partner Program as a foundational program as we continue to build a culture of community impact across our growing global employee base.

Quarterly volunteer opportunities for employees are coordinated by Braze Cares Advocates, fostering a culture of year-round employee volunteerism in connection with the communities surrounding their local offices or remote

Since program launch, Braze has directed $470,000 in unconditional cash grants to 19 nonprofits and charities selected by employees worldwide:

FY’24: $220,000 disbursed to charities selected by employees of our
different offices and remote regions.
FY’25: $250,000 disbursed to date, including in Bucharest, Jakarta, and São
Paulo, reflecting our growing global footprint and evolving community. Many
offices chose to continue successful partnerships with the same nonprofits
that they partnered with during the first year of the program, deepening these
meaningful relationships and providing ongoing support to local communities.
This approach helps us build and nurture enduring relationships between our
employees and these significant community organizations, allowing us to amplify
our collective impact far beyond what’s possible with a one-time grant.

Annual Charitable Giving: $1.8 million