HomeStreet Bank Grants

HomeStreet Bank

HomeStreet strives to be a true community partner. To ensure our support lends the greatest impact, we focus on collaborative partnerships with community organizations. Any financial or in-kind contribution is made as part of an active partnership with an organization, creating multi-layered relationships through employee leadership and volunteer service, management leadership skills, financial expertise and business resources.
To be eligible for a financial charitable contribution from HomeStreet Bank, an organization must:
Have a HomeStreet employee involved in a volunteer leadership role.
Fit within the HomeStreet Bank focus of meeting housing, shelter, and/or basic needs.
Be an IRS-designated 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Our process does not allow for donations to individuals, teams or groups for scholarships, sponsorships or travel expenses. HomeStreet Bank does not contribute to any organization that practices unlawful discriminatory practices. Additionally, HomeStreet does not contribute to organizations in which religious practice is part of the criteria used for selection and/or receipt of services.
HomeStreet Bank occasionally makes in-kind contributions of merchandise, use of facilities or banking products. Charitable Contribution Guidelines apply. Contact your local branch to inquire.