Nordson Foundation Grant

Listing Category

Nordson Foundation Values
In the spirit of our corporate founders, the Nordson Corporation Foundation continues to operate on the belief that business, as a corporate citizen, has a social responsibility to share its success with the communities where it operates and draws employees.

The Nordson Foundation is dedicated to improving our communities by supporting the continuum of education from birth to adulthood in the belief that education is the key for individuals to become self-sufficient, productive members of society.

To prepare individuals for economic independence, a variety of quality educational experiences are necessary. To be successful today, individuals not only need to master the basics, “reading, writing and arithmetic”, they must also know how to think critically and creatively. Strengthening the community’s human capital – through quality education – is crucial.

The Nordson Foundation offers support to non-profit organizations that cultivate educational curriculum and experiences that foster self-sufficiency, job readiness and goals to aspire to higher education. The Foundation is well aware of the fact that for non-profit organizations to remain viable they must receive operating support. With this in mind, Nordson Corporation Foundation does invest in general operating support.

As stewards of the Foundation assets, the directors feel strongly that the organizations that are supported by the Foundation be able to measure the effectiveness of their mission and programs. Quantitative and/or qualitative data allows for the Foundation to ensure that the organizations it supports are bringing about the desired outcomes in our communities.

Nordson Foundation Goals
The goals of the Nordson Corporation Foundation are to insure that:
All children have access to and receive quality educational experiences from early childhood
All individuals have the opportunity to be self-sufficient members of society
There is a continuum of quality educational opportunities
Our communities are strengthened by the organizations we fund whether their focus is education, human welfare, civic or arts and culture

Nordson Foundation Funding Strategy
Through its grant-making, the Foundation supports organizations that directly or indirectly seek to maximize success before, during and beyond the traditional classroom years. Grants will be reviewed and considered on the basis of their enrichment to the communities where our employees live and work. Organizations and programs receiving grants will be expected to identify relevant, measurable outcomes to demonstrate the effectiveness of their programs.

Early Childhood Care and Education
Maximizing Student Success
Access to quality educational opportunities
Innovative programs
Partnerships/collaborations with school districts
Funding gaps not covered by public monies
Augmenting core curriculum
Exposure to programs that expand on traditional education
Workforce Preparation
Initial preparation for the world of work
Retraining for the new job market
Strengthening our communities

Human Welfare:
Promote prevention and lifestyle maintenance programs and activities
Promote crisis intervention
Promote life transition opportunities
Promote systemic change

Arts and Culture:
Actively seek to broaden the audience bases in Nordson communities
Support the visual and performing arts
Provide educational enrichment for students
Motivation for at-risk youth
Provide access to the arts for special needs audience
Promote greater understanding among people via the arts

Work to improve the physical or economic environment
Provide cultural or historical preservation
Strive to inform citizens and increase their participation in community improvement