Sony Giving


Within the U.S., Sony focuses the majority of its charitable giving on art, culture, technology and the environment, with a particular emphasis on education in each of those areas. While support in other areas may also be considered, the Company seeks to apply its financial, technological and human resources to the encouragement of the creative, artistic, technical and scientific skills required of tomorrow's workforce.

Grant Application Procedures

The company welcomes requests for support throughout the year within the guidelines set below. To apply online, please visit the YourCause GrantsConnect online portal. Requests must include the following information:

A brief, written description of the organization, including its legal name, history, activities, purpose, and proof of registered 501(c)(3) non-profit status.
History of previous support from Sony, if applicable.
The amount being requested, if applicable.
A description of the purpose for which the grant is requested.
Please note that we do not consider multi-year requests for support.