WEX Community Grants

Listing Category

We direct our support toward four overarching categories:

The arts

Art should be accessible to all.

At WEX, we believe that the Arts are a fundamental building block to thriving, creative communities. Thriving communities attract world-class talent and help to grow our community and our workforce. In this space, we focus our funding on organizations that provide affordable access and programming for underserved populations and students. Art serves as a catalyst for creativity, innovation, and growth, and should be accessible to all. Additionally, our support for the Arts encompasses local organizations with diverse programming that offers thought-provoking experiences for our community.

Education is the building block for a successful life.

Education (with a focus on STEM learning) is a primary focus of our philanthropic efforts. In today’s rapidly changing world, ensuring that the educational playing field is level is core to WEX’s funding in this space. We know that students of diverse racial backgrounds and lower economic means often face an uphill battle in achieving equality in educational opportunities. As a result, we are committed to supporting organizations that address educational needs on a spectrum; preparing students for success in today’s rapidly changing and demanding workforce; providing financial support to students through their educational journey; and assisting with mentoring, support, and academic success.

Social equality

Achieving social equality means supporting organizations that ensure that all families have equitable access to basic needs and the resources that they need to thrive.

Although our commitment to social equality is present in all of our philanthropic efforts, our support in this space focuses on funding that ensures equal access to basic needs such as shelter, food, and education to all families, regardless of socioeconomic status. We are also focused on supporting organizations that are led by or primarily serve underrepresented groups.

Ensuring the holistic wellbeing of our communities means supporting access to resources and education.

Healthy communities mean healthy citizens and families. That’s why it’s important for WEX to invest in organizations that promote healthy lifestyles, offer access to mental health care, and work to ensure that all citizens can access these resources regardless of lifestyle or financial means.