Oshkosh Corporation

Corporate Main Site

Latest ESG Report 2023

Our investments in local communities include donating
our resources and volunteering our time and talent to
help meet essential needs where we live and work.
Donations and local sponsorships are made directly to
organizations. Oshkosh supports the volunteer efforts
of team members and provides them an opportunity to
volunteer during the workday.

In 2023, we gave over $2.6 million, through our
resources, talent and time, to communities to
support basic needs, self-sufficiency, our youth
and organizations supporting basic needs in the
industries we serve. Under the Oshkosh Family
Excellence priority, support is provided to team
members through a scholarship program, Oshkosh
Excellence Awards and the Oshkosh Cares program.

Annual Charitable Giving: $2.6 million


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