Unum Group

Corporate Main Site

Latest ESG Report 2023

Our focus areas
Equitable Pathways

We’re committed to providing equitable opportunities for socioeconomically disadvantaged students to thrive. We do this by funding programs that:

Encourage social-emotional health
Provide career and post-secondary preparation
Remove barriers to post-secondary success
Healthier Communities

We strive to support those who are disproportionately at risk to adverse health outcomes by funding innovative and action-oriented health and wellbeing programs. We’re taking a concentrated interest in mental and behavioral health. In this area, we aim to:

Strengthen the capacity of health and other related systems to respond to and care for individuals
Decrease stigma, discrimination and social isolation by transforming the way we think and talk about mental health
Support youth with early intervention resources
In addition to the above mental health focus, our grant funding will also support:

Increased equity in health
Access to essential health services
Inclusive Impact

We are creating stronger, more equitable communities by supporting organizations working to end racism, discrimination and bias with a focus on these four categories:

Systemic and policy change
Support action-oriented programs that champion solutions that work to permanently reverse or eradicate discriminatory or bias-led systems and policies
Provide training aimed to help individuals and organizations understand racial and social injustice, build empathy toward traditionally marginalized groups and communities and create more equitable organizations and systems
Economic justice
Work with marginalized communities to promote financial inclusion and prevent exploitation due to economic status
Civic engagement
Engage in programs that provide a voice to marginalized individuals or groups so that they may address issues or concerns regarding their community
Ready Response

We’re committed to supporting Unum communities and our employees when disaster or crisis strikes. This includes funding for programs and services that focus on:

Disaster or crisis preparedness
Disaster or crisis response

Annual Charitable Giving: $10 million


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