3 Rivers Credit Union Grants

3 Rivers Credit Union
Listing Category

Organizations must be tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and support recipients located in counties served by 3Rivers Federal Credit Union: Adams, Allen, Auglaize, DeKalb, Delaware, Hancock, Madison, Noble, Steuben, Union, Wayne, Wells, and/or Whitley. A minimum of 80% of requested funds should remain local.

Funding requests must be consistent with the mission of the 3Rivers Credit Union Foundation and must demonstrate specific goals with measurable qualitative and quantitative results.

Funding requests should not exceed $7,500; however, 3Rivers Federal Credit Union executive management retains discretionary flexibility as to the actual amount awarded.

All programs must complement the mission of the Foundation. Grants are awarded to programs or specific initiatives related to at least one of the following:

Financial Literacy
Health and Wellness