Marsden Charitable Giving


In 2018, the Marsden Fund of the Opus Foundation was established to support strategic philanthropic investments in Marsden communities with an emphasis on early childhood education, youth development, workforce development, and community revitalization.

Marsden believes in forming partnerships and being an active participant in our communities. We are committed to investing in local organizations beyond just a financial contribution – it’s important to our charitable giving mission that we are also supporting and engaging with those organizations in other ways. In order to ensure that our funding is used to support and further relationships within our communities, Marsden has an employee sponsorship requirement for all funding applications. All funding applications must come from Marsden enterprise employees, and that employee should be already engaged with the organization being recommended for funding, whether as a personal donor, volunteer, committee member, or board member of that organization. Marsden’s Charitable Giving Committee then reviews the applications and will make a decision based on available funding, alignment with our funding priorities, and areas of greatest need and impact.