Welcome to TCCA’s Community Enrichment Program Donations Application page. Please carefully review the following information to learn whether your organization would be a good fit for our program before you consider applying.
Our grant evaluation criteria include:
Organizations that qualify for non-profit status as a 501(c)3, 501(c)6, or 501(c)7.
Alignment with one or more of TCCA’s funding areas: Agricultural Advocacy, Food Security & Healthful Children (described below).
Location: The project must create impact in the areas where our farmers and employees live and work, including Tillamook, Boardman, and Portland, Oregon. We will also begin providing support in the Decatur, IL community in early 2025. Please note we only fund a small percentage of out-of-state requests.
Impact: The project must address a significant community need.
Serves those in need: The project helps address racial, economic and/or geographic disparities in our communities. For example, it serves primarily low-income populations, people in rural or other geographically isolated communities, and/or serves BIPOC and LGTBQ populations.
The strength and reputation of the applicant organization to deliver impact. For previous recipients, the quality and detail in the impact report(s) you provide for previous grants.
The following organizations are not eligible for consideration: Organizations that discriminate based on race, gender, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identification. Organizations with a publicly stated stance that are anti-animal agriculture, or anti-conventional farming. We also do not include donations to political candidates, parties, campaigns, or any sectarian causes in our Community Enrichment program.
Funding Categories: TCCA focuses our donations in three key areas: Agricultural Advocacy, Food Security, and Healthful Children. Examples of each category include:
Agricultural Advocacy - As a farmer-owned cooperative, we believe in supporting and advocating for farmers and farming across the nation. Examples of support includes agricultural education, fairs and parades, farmland protection, farmer support and rural community development.
Food Security - We believe everyone should have access to wholesome food and we are committed to do our part to end hunger in Oregon. Examples of support include food banks, food distribution organizations, school nutrition programs, shelters, and food kitchens.
Healthful Children - We are committed to providing children with opportunities they need to be healthful and active because we recognize that food is fuel for learning, activities and ultimately, the health of our future communities. Examples of support include kids and family nutrition programs, school gardens, sports, educational extracurricular programs, outdoor recreation programs and museums. Please note that our Healthful Children category does not include healthcare related causes and we do not fund uniforms for sports teams.